
whole day shopping

all readers, (lovelovelove)
recently, I'm being so deligent to write it on my blog.
and a lot of my post are crappy. eheheheheheee

okay than ! my post title for today is whole day shopping !
my cousin came from Samarinda, her name is Selly.
she has to attend her cousin (not related with me) wedding (but I'll attend too)
so I decide to accompany her buy some dress for that party.
we go to BTC , at 12.00 am and go home at 5.00 pm. so we have been shopping for 5 hours.
she got 2 dresses at there, one in LipGloss Boutique and the other in Lumiere Boutique .
all of them are black ! but it were suitable for her.
than we went to yogen fruz and eat some frozen yoghurt.
after than we went to BC (across BTC) and went to jeans republic boutique.
I saw a green dress at there, but it was to short for me,
since I can't bought it, I just edited the photo with photoshop (?!?!?!) ahahahaaa
here, the blue one ! ehehehee.. beside me is my cousin !
I got headache now ! get ready to eat medicine ! bye all , have a nice weekend !


watch and learn !

hey all ! I'm back, posting something maybe bore again, but still wanna post it, =.=
since someone said that my blog was die (hey you, ms.chung) I began to write again, however I'm very sleepy right now.
okay, what exactly I do today ? the answer is watching watching watching and watching again !
upps, I'm forget. today I got one day break from my school, but it was totally useless cause I'll get my math exam tomorrow !
well, today I'm watching (finishing) my lovely series drama, SATC (sex and the xity).
finally, I finished watch SATC. It was 6 seasons, and about more than 100 episodes but I love it !
the story a little bit mature actually, but the fashions, friendship, romance were FABOLOUS ! 4 thumbs up for this series.
I love the end of this series, carrie get back to big and the others was totally fine with their family beside than the end of the series was taken in paris (the city of romance). they are kissing on the bridge with glam of light (jealous)
after watching SATC, I watch NEW MOON not in my house, but in cinema.
A lot of people watched it, I watched it with vania, devi, kelvin, yogo, juita, nanu.
thanks to kelvin who helped us to buy the tickets early.
how about NEW MOON ? I'M IN LOVE WITH THE QUILLETE ! and also rhe werewolf and JACOB BLACK ! he was hot ! love the burning skin. edward seems to pale for me. i love the burning skins one ! heheheee. jacob has really nice muscles ! love him !
that's all my day ! and I'm not learn my math yet, so I think I have to learn it now. see you guys !


sorry to be late

ehem.. ehemm.. test.. test.. okehh..
well, this is just a quick post cause I can't surfing longer this afternoon.
today topic was
sorry to be late, the question are : to whom ? for what ? why ?
I'll answer it .
first to whom : to Oliver Maron Sahetapy (as know as my secret grandpa)
for what : for being late to wish him something that very special
why : a lot of reasons, I'm not forgetting, but I was too busy this morning (remember my last post, I had to work on my 3dmc competition), I can't call him, even just send a massage, I can't open my internet at school
so what I have to do now ?
although this was too late, but truely from my heart I want to say
Cake Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Birthday to my lovely secret grandpa !
ucapannya pake bahasa ibu saja yahhhhhh
semoga semakin takut akan Tuhan, selalu dalam cahaya-Nya dan kuat imannya
menjadi anak yang membanggakan hati orang tuanya
tambah dewasa dalam bersikap, berpikir, ataupun memutuskan sesuatu
tambah pintar , cakep, putih (ahahaha), berambut (AHAHAHAHA), behilang kumisnya(kan tinggal cukur)
cepat dapat nenek baru yahh kek, cari yang cantik yah, kayak cucumu ! eheheheheee
mohon dimaafkan atas keterlambatan saya ini, alasannya sudah disebutkan, jadi mohon dimaafkan, saya juga lagi miskin pulsa eheheheee...
sekali lagi, saengil chukae hamnida, cu ni sen re kuai le, happy birthday, selamat ulang tahun !
this is oliver maron sahetapy. why I chose this photo ?
grandpa, I though I saw Mr. Yogi in here, not you.. ehehehee peace !


totally exhausted

crazy photoshoot with emely tandrayani ! thanks im, I love it !
hayy readers, welcome back to my blogg. I changed my background ! look nice isn't it?

what about my title ? it always describe my condition now. and now I'm
really ! beneran ! sumpah dehh ! ahahahahaaaa *is it funny?*
this month was a dramatic months ! banyak banget yang terjadi di bulan ini !
dimulai dengan pembagian raport semester 4 axelerasi, yang jatuh sabtu 4 november kemarin.
kami (yang sebelumnya 15) harus berkurang personil lagi, menjadi 13 orang yang berarti 2 diantara kami harus gugur ! selain itu, raport saya sungguh mengerikan ! maklum saja sih *wong saya ga penah belajar* ehehehehehee..
well the point is , I've promised myself that I'll do better next semester ! I swear I'll learn harder than the past ! *readers keep my promise* *make V sign*
selain tekanan batin, tentu saja tak terlupa tekanan fisik !
bulan november ini ada event besar yang akan diadakan di SMAN.1 (baca posting2 sebelumnya) yaitu SMANSA CUP
walaupun kami mengerjakan event ini bersama (40 an orang) tetap saja kami tekipai dengan beratnya tugas-tugas yang harus dilaksanakan.
perlunya pengorbanan waktu, tenaga, dll. saya salut sama semua anak osis ! mereka gigih sekali mengerjakan event ini , mereka rela setiap hari pulang jam 6 sore untuk menyelenggarakan event ini *two thumbs up* . saya yang kewalahan.
rasanya semakin sulit untuk membagi waktu. padahal raport baru saja dibagi, tetapi ulangan sudah datang silih berganti ! ini sangat mengerikan !
disamping segala keresahan, kegalauan, dan semua keluhan2 di atas, tentu saja saya tetap datang membawa kabar gembira *bagi saya*
saudara kental saya, Vania Adeline Januar telah pulang ke balikpapan setelah lama menetap di negara singapura !
seperti biasa, kami tetap selalu heboh dimana pun berada ! sepertinya kami berdua tambah bawel ! ahahahaa.. tidak ketinggalan si unyil devi yang lagi disibukkan dengan hp barunya (LG ICECREAM)
kami pergi ke e-walk, dan sangking kelaparannya saya makan dengan sangat mengerikan ! setelah makan di texas (satu2nya makanan cepat saji di e-walk, yang lain pada belum buka)
tidak lupa saya melahap dessert andalan yaitu JCOOL ! yoghurt yang awalnya low fat, setelah dicampur dengan aneka ragam toping (punyaku choco caviar, almond, strawberry jam, leychee) dan juga gula cair, jadilah yoghurt full fat ala mingming ! eheheheeee
selain itu tanggal 22 november di sman.1 akan mengadakan closing ceromony party, semacam pensi kecil-kecilan yang bertujuan menutup acara smansa cup, bakal rame karena banyak bazzar dan acara yang seru-seru *wajib datang buat anak bpp* free !
that's all from me, wish me luck in my petra test on 22 november *same date with cc, poor * love you readers !